Atlassian Git Cheat Sheet

Git rebase is used to apply certain changes from one branch to another. For instance: git rebase master Basic GIT Commands Cheat Sheet in.pdf. If you are just starting out with GIT, it can be hard to remember even the basic commands. For that reason, we’ve put together a GIT cheat sheet to help you master the software. 7 2 Quandl Pandas Scipy Numpy Cheat Sheet. 8 1 Matplotlib Notes. 2 1 Bash Cheat Sheet. 2 2 Linux Cheat Sheet. 3 Version Control. 3 1 Git Cheat Sheet. 3 2 Github Git Cheat Sheet. 3 3 Atlassian Git Cheatsheet. 4 1 Ipython Basic Help. 4 2 Ipython Magic Only. 6 Text Processing. 5 1 Markdown Cheatsheet. This Git cheat sheet saves you time when you just can't remember what a command is or don't want to use git help in the command line. It is hard to memorize all the important Git commands by heart, so print this out or save it to your desktop to resort to when you get stuck.

  1. Atlassian Git Cheat Sheet Pdf
  2. Github Cheat Sheet
  3. Git Commands List Pdf
  4. Git Flow Cheat Sheet Atlassian
  5. Atlassian Git Cheat Sheet

Repository Management

A collection of handy cheat sheets for programming, data science, version control, statistics, and probability. baumanab/cheatsheets. View atlassiangitcheatsheet from FINIANCE 777343 at Information Technology Academy Of St. Git Cheat Sheet Git Basics Rewriting Git History git init Create empty Git repo in specied.


Opens the Repository Browser window.


Show the Repository Browser and select the Remote section.

Prompts to add selected repositories to the Repository Browser.

UI Customization


Toggle the current repository's sidebar (branches, tags, and more.)


Toggle the current repository's command history to view details.


Switch to the file browser and commit preparation area.


Switch to the primary commit history browser area.


Switch to the commit history search area.

Toggle the visibility of branch labels in commit history graphs for all repositories.

Toggle the visibility of tag labels in commit history graphs for all repositories.

Toggle the visibility of the Build Status column in the History view for the current repository.

Git Actions


Retrieve the current repository's branches, tags, and history from the remote server.

Start interactively updating a branch's content to align with another.

Connect another repository to act like a descendent of the current repository, instead of a remote dependency.


Remove the selected item(s) from the staging area prior to committing.

Mercurial Actions


Retrieve the current repository's state from the remote server.

Save an archival copy of the repository.

Repository Actions

Configure and migrate the current repository to Bitbucket Cloud.


Configure settings for the current repository.


Reload the current repository's commit history graph, file status, and build status.


Reload the current repository's status from the remote server.


Go to current repository's File Status view, focus the message editor, and populate with a message template if available.


Begin reverting one or more of the current repository's in-progress changes.


Save the current repository's in-progress changes for later use.


Send local commits for the current repository to the remote server.


Retrieve any new commits for the current repository from the remote server.


Switch to a particular branch or revision in the current repository.


Create a new branch from the currently active branch.


Start the process of combining the target branch into the active one in the current repository.


Create a new tag for the active branch and commit in the current repository.

Connect a new remote server to the current repository.

Connect another repository as a dependency for the current repository.


Open the remote server's website (if available) for the current repository.


Start a pull request on the remote server for the current active branch.

Item Actions

Atlassian Git Cheat Sheet Pdf


Open the selected item(s) for the current repository.

Open a new Finder window with the selected item(s) for current repository highlighted.


Open a new Terminal window to the directory for the current repository.


Display a preview of the selected item(s)'s contents if possible.

Open the assigned application (see Preferences) to display the item's changes.

Save the current repository's in-progress changes as a file for transfer or later use.

Take the contents of a patch (file or text) and merge them into the current repository if possible.


Add the selected untracked item(s) to the current repository's index, making them available for commit.


Remove the selected item(s) from the current repository's index and on-disk; requires a commit to save.


Combines the Add and Remove actions (see their entries) into a single task for all the selected item(s).

Remove the selected item(s) from the current repository's index; requires a commit to complete.

Create entries (specific patterns, file types, or other designations) for items that should be ignored completely in the current repository.

Ensure the selected item(s) are included in the current commit and focus the message editor, populating with a message template if available.


Begin reverting in-progress changes for the selected item(s).

Begin reverting the selected item(s) to a specific point in their history.

Proceed to the next step of an in-progress action such as rebasing or grafting.

Stop an in-progress action such as rebasing or grafting.


Show a list of commits specific to the selected item in reverse chronological order.


Display the contents of the selected item, as lines, with the latest commit's information (author, date, metadata) alongside.

Create a copy of the selected item(s) in the current repository using appropriate source control mechanisms.

Move the selected item(s) from one location to another (including renaming) in the current repository using appropriate source control mechanisms.

Resolving Conflicts

Open the diff for the conflicted item(s) in the application specified in Preferences -> Diff.

Choose the contents of the current branch when there's a conflict.

Choose the contents of the branch that you are merging when there's a conflict.

Cancel an in-progress merge.

Update the selected item(s) to indicate conflicts were resolved manually.

Update the selected item(s) to indicate a conflict or other problem exists still.


Github Cheat Sheet

Atlassian Git Cheat Sheet

Git Commands List Pdf

Configure the necessary changes to enable Git LFS for the current repository.

Add or remove the selected item(s) from the Git LFS index and storage when pushing.

Fetch any LFS changes from the remote for the current repository and then checkout appropriate files.

Retrieve LFS changes from the remote for the current repository.

Retrieve large file content from the Git LFS storage endpoint to replace existing placeholder files in the current repository.

Remove LFS item(s) that have been checked out into the current repository. This frees up space if they are unused.

Git/Hg Flow

Configure Flow prefixes for the current repository.


Begin the next Flow action based on what's currently in progress for the current repository.

Create a branch with the feature prefix and specified name.

Wrap up the in-progress Flow feature branch.

Create a branch with the release prefix and specified name.

Wrap up the in-progress Flow release branch.

Create a branch with the hotfix prefix and specified name.

Wrap up the in-progress Flow hotfix branch.

Text Formatting

Git Flow Cheat Sheet Atlassian


Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax for a header.


Inserts the Markdown syntax for a single line.


Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax to be bold.


Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax to be italicized.


Inserts the Markdown syntax for a bullet at the start of selected text.


Inserts the Markdown syntax for a number sequence at the start of selected text.


Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax to be formatted as code.


Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax for a link, focused to edit the URL portion.

Git flow cheat sheet atlassian


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  • Created in January 2018 by Brian Ganninger.

Atlassian Git Cheat Sheet

The Git version control system (VCS) is an essential link in most developers’ toolchains. Created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 (to manage the source code for the Linux kernel), Git is now the predominant VCS for development projects and organizations worldwide. Originally intended as a low-level source control engine (on which higher-level VCSs could be built), Git now includes functionality that addresses a wide variety of high- and low-level use cases. Nonetheless, most individual developers use a fairly small subset of its features on a day-to-day basis. Attached are a set of Git “cheat sheets”, published by the 3 main Git host services/vendors (GitHub, GitLab, Atlassian), providing quick references for the most commonly used commands and options. Also linked is an entire book on Git, available for free download.

