ICorner Radius

  1. Corner Radius Css
  2. Corner Radius Illustrator
  3. Corner Radius Jig
  4. Corner Radius Template
  5. Corner Radius Jig
  • Resources
    • Design Guide
      • Planning for Stone Surfaces

There are 2 app resources that control the corner radii of all the controls: ControlCornerRadius - default is 2px. OverlayCornerRadius - default is 4px. If you override the value of these resources at any scope, it will affect all controls within that scope accordingly. Definition and Usage The border-radius property defines the radius of the element's corners. Tip: This property allows you to add rounded corners to elements! This property can have from one to four values.

Determining Radius Corners

We offer several options to select from for your countertop radius corners. Radius corners refer to the degree of “roundness” the countertop corners will have. These are the corners that are exposed to traffic areas or where people walk. The first illustration below indicates 90-degree corner that is generally used for countertop edges that abut to a wall or backsplash. This is also the case for the countertop edge, which will be next to the range or refrigerator. With a standard 1-1/2″ overhang we use a maximum of 1″ radius corners. Depending on the overall design and the cabinet layout, we can make it only 1/4″ radius (which we call “soft” corner) just to take away the “sharpness” of the corner. Below you will find some options for your countertop radius corners.

If you have any questions or concerns about the subject, please do not hesitate to contact us.



ICorner Radius


The following example shows how to set the value of the CornerRadius property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code.


This class has four properties, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, and BottomRight, corresponding to the individual corners of the rectangle. Each is a Double structure that can be set independently of the others.

The radiuses cannot be negative.

XAML Attribute Usage


XAML Values

Double value that specifies the radius of the top left corner.

Double value that specifies the top right corner.

Double value that specifies the bottom right corner.

Double value that specifies the bottom left corner.

Corner Radius Css

If only a single Double value is specified, that measure is applied to ALL of the TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, and BottomLeft corners of the CornerRadius.


Values need not include the decimal point explicitly when specified as a string. The string '1' provided in XAML evaluates to a value of 1.0 when referenced in code.


Corner radius calculator

Corner Radius Illustrator


Initializes a new instance of the CornerRadius class with a specified uniform radius value for every corner or the rectangle.

CornerRadius(Double, Double, Double, Double)

Initializes a new instance of the CornerRadius class with the specified radius values for each corner of the rectangle.



Gets or sets the radius of the bottom-left corner.


Gets or sets the radius of the bottom-right corner.


Gets or sets the radius of the top-left corner.


Gets or sets the radius of the top-right corner.

Corner Radius Jig



Compares two CornerRadius structures for equality.


Determines whether the specified Object is a CornerRadius and whether it contains the same corner radius values as this CornerRadius.


Returns the hash code for this CornerRadius.


Returns the string representation of the CornerRadius.


Equality(CornerRadius, CornerRadius)

Compares two CornerRadius structures for equality.

Inequality(CornerRadius, CornerRadius)

Compares two CornerRadius structures for inequality.

Corner Radius Template

Applies to

Corner Radius Jig

See also