Winscp Ssh Server

SSH port forwarding is a mechanism in SSH for tunneling application ports from the client machine to the server machine, or vice versa. It can be used for adding encryption to legacy applications, going through firewalls, and some system administrators and IT professionals use it for opening backdoors into the internal network from their home.

  1. For example if you plan to connect to the server from an external site (e.g. From home or a client), but you have a physical access to the server site, connect from the server site the first time (e.g. Your workplace). Once you connect, WinSCP caches the fingerprint and will ensure, that the key is unchanged every time you connect later on.
  2. Read more about SSH protocol. Based on OpenSSH, MobaSSH is 100% compatible with the Linux/Unix/HPUx/AIX SSH clients, but also with MobaXterm, Putty or WinSCP on Windows. MobaSSH comes with a simple and easy-to-use graphical interface which allows to easily set your advanced SSH server parameters. Take a look at the graphical interface.
  3. WinSCP Download For Windows. Winscp is free SSH, SFTP, FTP Client. Winscp is secure shell software to access remote servers. Download WinSCP Latest Version.

SSH is a cryptographically protected remote login protocol that replaces insecure telnet and rlogin protocols. It provides strong protection against password sniffing and third party session monitoring, better protecting your authentication credentialsand privacy. In addition, SSH offers additional authentication methods that are considered more secure than passwords, such as public key authentication and extensiveprotection against spoofing.

The SSH employs a public key cryptography that uses two keys pairs, for host and user.


SSH servers offer the client a selection of authenticationmethods. The server advertises what it supports, and the clientattempts to authenticate over each method that it can support.Generally, the client will choose methods that are the least intrusiveto the user, if they are available. In most cases, the client providesthe option to choose which methods can be used. In WinSCP, you can configure this on SSH > Authentication page of Advanced Site Settings dialog.

The actual order of authentication methods is as follows: GSSAPI (SSH-2 only), public key (using Pageant), public key (using configured file), keyboard-interactive (SSH-2 only), TIS or Cryptocard (SSH-1 only), password.

To prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, each SSH server has a unique identifying code, called a host key. These keys prevent a server from forging another server’s key. If you connect to a server for the first time or if the server presets a different key then previously, WinSCP will prompt you to verify the key.

SSH clients and servers can use a number of encryption methods. Most widely used encryption methods in SSH-2 are AES andBlowfish. By default, AES is used if supported by the server. While AES isconsidered to be highly secure, AES encryption requires substantial processor overhead. Blowfish is also consideredsecure, but with less computational overhead, it’s also theoreticallyeasier to perform a brute-force attack. Depending on your security andperformance requirements, you may wish to configure WinSCP to preferthe Blowfish algorithm. 3DES and DES are used with SSH-1 servers. DESis widely regarded as insecure, as the resources to perform anexhaustive brute-force attack have been well within the realm ofcommercial feasibility for some time.

Two major versions of the SSH protocol exist, SSH-2 and SSH-1. Most SSH servers nowadays allow modern and secure SSH-2 only.

WinSCP’s default setting is to use SSH-2. If you need to use deprecated and insecure SSH-1 at all, you can configure this in SSH preferences.

SSH supports data stream compression between the clientand the server. On slow links, this may increase throughput, while in faster connections the added CPU overhead may actually result inslower transfers, particularly depending on the data type you’re transferring. Large text files may still benefit significantly, whilebinaries may transfer more slowly. You may want toexperiment to find what works best in your situation. Compression mayalso improve security slightly, in part by rendering known cyphertextattacks more difficult and by providing less data forcryptanalysis.

See list of supported SSH algorithms.

This guide contains description of setting up public key authentication for use with WinSCP. You may want to learn more about public key authentication or SSH keys instead.

  • Configure Server to Accept Public Key


Before starting you should:

  • Have WinSCP installed;
  • Know how to connect to the server without public key authentication.

If you do not have a key pair yet, start with generating new key pair.

Connect to your SSH server using WinSCP with the SSH protocol, using other means of authentication than public key, e.g. typically using password authentication.

Once logged in, configure your server to accept your public key. That varies with SSH server software being used. The most common SSH server is OpenSSH.

You can use Session > Install Public Key into Server command on the main window, or Tools > Install Public Key into Server command on SSH > Authentication page page on Advanced Site Settings dialog. The functionality of the command is similar to that of OpenSSH ssh-copy-id command.


Or you can configure the key manually:

  • Navigate into a .ssh subdirectory of your account home directory. You may need to enable showing hidden files to see the directory. If the directory does not exists, you need to create it first.
  • Once there, open a file authorized_keys for editing. Again you may have to create this file, if this is your first key.
  • Switch to the PuTTYgen window, select all of the text in the Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file box, and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C). Then, switch back to the editor and insert the data into the open file, making sure it ends up all on one line. Save the file. WinSCP can show you the public key too.
  • Ensure that your account home directory, your .ssh directory and file authorized_keys are not group-writable or world-writable. Recommended permissions for .ssh directory are 700. Recommended permissions for authorized_keys files are 600. Read more about changing permissions.

There are some specifics when setting up the public key authentication on OpenSSH server on Windows.

  • Save a public key file from PuTTYgen, and copy that into the .ssh2 subdirectory of your account home directory.
  • In the same subdirectory, edit (or create) a file called authorization. In this file you should put a line like Key, with replaced by the name of your key file.

Winscp Ssh To Another Server

For other SSH server software, you should refer to the manual for that server.

When configuring session, specify path to your private key on SSH > Authentication page of Advanced Site Settings dialog.

Winscp Ssh Key Authentication

Alternatively, load the private key into Pageant.

Winscp Ssh Server

Cloud providers have typically their own mechanism to setup a public key authentication to virtual servers running in the cloud.

For details see guides for connecting to:

  • Amazon EC2;
  • Google Compute Engine;
  • Microsoft Azure.

Winscp Command Line Ssh Key

  • Using public keys for authentication;
  • Using PuTTYgen;
  • Understanding SSH key pairs.