Wp Engine Hosting

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Mar 18, 2021

WPEngine is a provider that only offers to host WordPress websites. It is the leading WordPress digital experience platform. They don’t offer email, VPS, or any other type of hosting.

WP Engine was founded in 2010 to meet the demand for managed WordPress hosting services. The platform provides businesses with the solutions they need to create remarkable sites and apps on WordPress that drive their business forward faster.

Here is a detailed wpengine review!

WPEngine Pros & Cons

The provider has a good reputation. You can find a lot of positive wp engine reviews. If you do not have enough time to read the full summary, we have prepared a table with the advantages and disadvantages of the service.

Let’s quickly go over the key pros and cons.

Free SSL and SSH
99.99% uptime SLA
Hacked Sites Fixed at No Charge
Speed & Performance
Some Plugins and Themes are not allowed
No cPanel

WPEngine in Brief

Uptime guarantee99.99%
Support optionsphone, email, live-chat
Hosting planWordPress
FeaturesFree automated migrations, 30+ premium themes, One-click staging site, Multi-factor password authentication
Starting price$25.00 a month
Go to WPengine hosting

When to Use WPEngine

Well, if your company website is developed on the WordPress platform, and you would like to choose a provider that specializes in this platform, it is a great option for you. The only kind of hosting here is WordPress hosting.

The company developers are adopting the best from their competitors while introducing their improvements and technologies. You can be sure of the high quality of service.

If you have an e-commerce site, here you will find tools that will improve your work. You can start an online store here if you follow some best practices that prevent credit card information from being processed or stored.

According to the wp engine review, a variety of themes for the platform will allow you to create a great interface for your company’s blog.

When Not to Use WPEngine

If you are a new user with no hosting experience yet, it will be difficult for you to understand. Nevertheless, you can always contact customer care and get instant help via online chat.

You may not use this service to violate any regulatory law or regulation with your site. It is also forbidden to incite violence, sell illegal substances, or send spam e-mails. Your site may be blocked permanently for such activities. It’s better not to risk it, isn’t it?

WPEngine Performance Facts

The performance of the provider is an additional opportunity to develop your website. The more power the service gives you the more views and conversions you can get for your business. Of course, performance is as critical as possible. The bigger your site is, the more resources you will need to meet its challenges.

Let’s look at WPEngine hosting performance in facts:
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Global Data Centers
  • Data Center Redundancy
  • Uptime Protection
  • Proprietary EverCache®
  • PHP 7.4 and HTTP/2 Enabled
  • Fully Managed Global CDN

WPEngine has servers across the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Keep your data safe and sound with Amazon Web Services. Great performance!

WPEngine Speed Test Results

The faster your site loads, the better it will rank in search engines. It is a crucial ranking factor. Who likes slow websites? No one does! That’s why hosting should be fast. Let’s check with free services how fast WPEngine loads.

Here are the results:

TestAverage Loading Time
GTmetrix test1.2 s
Pingdom test617 ms
PageSpeed Insights (Google)1.7 s

As the provider promises on the official page, the download speed is really impressive! An amazing result that guarantees that your sites will load just as fast.

WPEngine Uptime Guarantees

Users expect your website to be available when they need it. If the site is unavailable, a user will not wait long and go to your competitor’s resource instead.

Thus, you will lose customers, views, and money. Site availability also affects search engine rankings, and if your website is frequently unavailable, you will lose your position.

Uptime Guarantees show whether your site will be available all the time. Hosting leaders try to increase this indicator to 100%. WPEngine guarantees that your site will be accessible 99.99% of the time.

That’s just great! Of course, it is not 100%, but the company honestly admits emergency contingencies. If there are any problems with the site, technical support will try to fix them in the shortest time possible to make your site accessible again, according to wpengine reviews.

WPEngine Server Response Time Test

Another critical performance indicator for hosting is the loading speed of the first byte of content. Google recommends that sites should load faster than 200ms. Let’s use the Bitcatcha service, which measures the speed of hosting providers.

A+ – that’s the rating the service gave the provider! Just look at the speed, instant downloads. It is an amazing result, which not every market leader can possess.

WPEngine Site Migration

If you’re a new WP Engine customer or ready to migrate a new site to your existing account, then you should know about the migration options. With the WP Engine Automated Migration plugin, you can easily migrate your site to this hosting.

The plugin makes a copy of your site to verify accuracy before changing DNS and opening it for user access. If you are an existing customer, you can use the plugin to move sites at any time. It is included in the price of the plans!

If you’re unable to use our Automated Migration Tool, or simply prefer the manual method, just contact support to get a checklist with guided navigation through the entire Manual Migration process.

WPEngine Features and Pricing

WPEngine provides rate plans to work with the WordPress platform. There is no wpengine email hosting, only maximum features for WordPress sites.

Three basic tariff plans, which differ primarily in functionality and performance. Start with the cheap plan; switch to a more expensive one if your business requires it.

WPEngine web hosting cost starts at $25 a month. Each plan solves different business needs. You can contact support, and they will find the right plan specific to your project. It is a very convenient feature!

If you’re looking for the cheapest way to get online, check out:

Managed WordPress hosting

Managed WordPress hosting gives you the industry-leading speed, security, and stability you need to start or grow your site. All the technical stuff falls to the company’s experts. You are left with time to develop your site and take care of your customers.

We recommend starting with the cheapest tariff plan to evaluate the quality of service. You can easily upgrade to a more expensive plan over time just from your personal account on the website. If you have any difficulties with the transition, contact the support service, and according to wp engine hosting reviews, they will quickly help you.

Managed WordPress hosting plus

Managed Hosting Plus gives you the ability to securely and automatically update all of your plugins so that your site doesn’t crash. It has all the same features as the previous plan plus a few advanced features.

Secure hosting

Wp Engine Hosting

Secure Hosting gives you all the speed, scalability, and security in Managed Hosting Plus, as well as an extra layer of security that’s ideal for e-commerce sites. It’s a great solution for those who need extra security measures, for example, large sites storing their customers’ private information.

Ready to choose your plan?

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Security Measures

Good security measures protect data while your site is running at peak performance. WP Engine security will give you the option to design and manage your site within a secure environment. Security certificates are designed to give you maximum protection and security for the operation of your website.

  • Managed Core Updates & Patches
  • Dedicated Security Engineering Team
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Threat Detection & Blocking
  • Traffic Encryption with SSL

Using the best WordPress security plugins, you’ll be able to prevent attacks from happening in the first place.

Support Options

WPEngine support includes not only the ability to talk to the sales or technical support specialists. Here you will also find a large database, which will help you solve your questions and improve your knowledge about working with the hosting provider.

You can communicate with the specialists by phone, e-mail, or online chat on the official website. We decided to check how quickly the support team responds. We got an answer in less than a minute. That’s a great result!

You don’t have to worry that the support team won’t help you solve the problem because it’s the company’s specialists and not third parties who will communicate with you.

WPEngine Quick Facts

FREE SSL Certificateincluded
WordPress Pre-installedincluded
One-click staging siteincluded in all plans
Daily backupsincluded in all plans
Go to WPengine hosting

WPEngine Review: Summing up

You’ll get a quality managed WordPress hosting service in exchange for your investment. WP Engine hosting brings maximum productivity to its customers who want their sites to run easily. This provider is suitable for those who need pro-level features.

We agree that it is not the cheapest option on the market. If it’s above your budget, it’s worth looking into alternatives.

However, if your budget allows, you won’t find the same impressive performance from other providers for that money.

We recommend this hosting service, and it is a good idea to start by talking to customer service. In this way, you will be able to choose an appropriate pricing plan and decide whether you are satisfied with the provider’s functionality.

Ready to choose your plan?

Go to WPengine hosting

WPEngine Alternatives

If this provider is too expensive for you, then you need to look for alternatives. Check out the advantages and disadvantages of the following hosting providers:

  • Inmotion — an excellent choice if you need a VPS.
  • Nexcess — the provider that supports WordPress for low prices.

Does WP Engine offer any kind of guarantee?


Yes. They offer a 60-day money-back guarantee for all of their hosting packages.

What tools are available for developers?

WP Engine's development tools include:

  • WP Engine API for automating site administration tasks.
  • SSH Gateway for programmatically interacting.
  • Free development & staging environments.
  • Isolated testing and staging environments available.

Is data on WP Engine servers encrypted at rest?

Yes. All data on the servers is encrypted at rest and in transit by default.


Hide My WP Ghost is a WordPress Security plugin. It’s one of the best security through obscurity WordPress plugins.

It has over 70.000 secured websites, over 1,600,000 brute force attempts protection and over 6.000 login email alerts.

The plugin adds filters and security layers to prevent Scripts and SQL Injections, Brute Force attacks, XML-RPC attacks and more.

It changes and hides the common paths, plugins and themes paths offering the best protection against hacker bots attacks.

Note! No file or directory is physically changed. All the changes are made by redirects. All the actions are done automatically by the plugin.

After the common paths are changed, all the common paths are hidden from hackers to protect all the plugins and themes.

Check the Demo Website source code:
(the elementor is changed in files and classes using the PRO version)

Check the Redirected URLs in Demo Website (all are redirected to Front Page):

Check the Hidden Common Paths in Demo Website (all show 404 Page Not Found):

The plugin works with other security plugins and adds a layer of firewall to proactively secure your WordPress website against hackers.

Hide My WP Ghost is compatible with all servers, hosting services, and also supports WP Multisite.

Over 90,000 hacking attacks per minute strike WordPress sites and WordPress hosting around the world, hitting not only large corporate websites packed with sensitive data, but also sites belonging to small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and individuals running personal blogs.

Security of WordPress sites typically tops the list of concerns for new and experienced website owners alike.

For owners of WordPress sites, statistics like that one raises particular worries about the security not just of individual WordPress sites, but of WordPress itself.

Is your website secure? Check your website with Free Website Security Check

Protect your WordPress website by hiding the authentication paths like wp-admin, wp-login.php and wp-login and change the common WordPress paths like wp-content, wp-includes, uploads and more.

Please support us and translate the plugin in your language:

Thank you all for your trust, support and positive reviews!

FREE Hide My WP Ghost – Security Features (over 40 free security options):

  • Hide WordPress wp-admin URL and redirect it to 404 page or a custom page
  • Hide WordPress wp-login.php and redirect it to 404 page or a custom page
  • Change the wp-admin and wp-login URLs
  • Change lost password URL
  • Change register URL
  • Change logout URL
  • Change activation URL
  • Change admin-ajax URL
  • Change wp-content URL
  • Change wp-includes URL
  • Change uploads URL
  • Change comments URL
  • Change author URL
  • Change plugins name URL
  • Change themes name URL
  • Change category URL
  • Change tags URL

  • Custom login redirects based on useer role

  • Custom logout redirects based on useer role

  • Change URLs from Relative to Absolute

  • Change URLs in Ajax calls
  • Change URLs for Logged Users
  • Change paths in Sitemap.xml
  • Change paths in Robots.txt

Hidden Paths:

  • Hide /wp-admin Path
  • Hide /wp-login Path
  • Hide /login Path
  • Hide plugins Paths
  • Hide themes Paths
  • Hide REST API wp-json
  • Hide WordPress HTML comments
  • Hide Version and WordPress Tags
  • Hide DNS Prefetch WordPress link
  • Hide WordPress Generator Meta
  • Hide RSD (Really Simple Directory) header
  • Hide Emojicons if you don’t use them

Disable Paths:

  • Disable REST API access
  • Disable XML-RPC access
  • Disable Embed scripts
  • Disable DB-Debug in Frontend
  • Disable WLW Manifest scripts

Brute Force Protection:

  • Brute Force with Math Captcha

Extra Features:

  • Backup and Restore settings
  • Fix relative URLs
  • Change classes using Text Mapping from HTML code
  • Cache CSS, JS and Images to optimize the loading speed
  • Weekly security check and reports


  • Support for WP Multisite
  • Support for Nginx
  • Support for IIS
  • Support for LiteSpeed
  • Support for Apache
  • Support for WP Engine
  • Support for Inmotion Hosting
  • Support for Hostgator Hosting
  • Support for Godaddy Hosting
  • Support for Host1plus
  • Support for Payperhost
  • Support for Fastcomet
  • Support for Dreamhost
  • Support for Bitnami Apache
  • Support for Bitnami Nginx
  • Support for Google Cloud Hosting
  • Support for Litespeed Hosting
  • Support for Flyweels Hosting

  • Recommended by Wp Rocket

  • Recommended by WPML

See All FREE Security Features:

Compatible with: WP Multisite, Apache, Litespeed, Nginx and IIS.

Plugins Compatibility updates: ManageWP, WPML, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache, Hummingbird Cache, Cachify Cache, Litespeed Cache,
Cache Enabler, CDN Enabler, WOT Cache, Autoptimize, Jetpack by WordPress, Contact Form 7, bbPress,
All In One SEO, Yoast SEO, Squirrly SEO, WP-Rocket, Minify HTML, iThemes Security, Sucuri Security,
Back-Up WordPress, Elementor Page Builder, Weglot Translate, AddToAny Share Btn, WordFence Security, Sucuri Security, Asset CleanUp

Hosting Compatibility checked: WP Engine, Inmotion Hosting, Hostgator Hosting, Godaddy Hosting, Host1plus, Payperhost, Fastcomet, Dreamhost, Bitnami Apache, Bitnami Nginx, Google Cloud Hosting, Litespeed Hosting, Flyweels Hosting

To hide all the common WordPress paths you need Hide My WP Ghost version. Check all the Ghost security features below.

The admin URL is the most common path that hackers use to break your WordPress site.

Being able to cover up the common paths is critical because you get to keep intruders away from sensitive website data.

This is crucial, and it will provide you with a great experience and really good results in the long term.

It will surely be worth it, not to mention that hiding the common paths will make hacking a lot harder as well.

If you don’t protect yourself, you will end up having a hacked website sooner or later.

This is a free version of the plugin so you can use it for all your blogs without any restrictions.

No theme or other plugins functionality will be blocked, everything will function the same

Note: The plugin requires custom permalinks. Make sure you have it activated at Settings > Permalinks

Hide My WP Ghost Premium security features:

  • Hide WordPress /wp-admin path
  • Hide WordPress /wp-login.php path
  • Hide WordPress /wp-login/ path
  • Hide WordPress /login path
  • Custom wp-admin and wp-login paths
  • Custom admin-ajax.php URLs
  • Custom lost password URL
  • Custom register URL
  • Custom activate URL
  • Custom logout URL
  • Custom wp-includes path
  • Custom wp-content path
  • Custom REST API wp-json path
  • Custom plugins name
  • Custom themes name
  • Custom themes style name
  • Custom plugins path
  • Custom uploads path
  • Custom authors path
  • Custom comment URL
  • Custom category path
  • Custom tags path

  • Custom login redirects based on useer role

  • Custom logout redirects based on useer role

Hidden Paths:

  • Hide plugins name
  • Hide themes name
  • Hide style IDs and META IDs
  • Hide author by ID URL
  • Hide WordPress common paths like: wp-content, wp-includes, /plugins, /themes, upgrade.php
  • Hide WordPress common files like: upgrade.php, install.php, activate.php, wp-config.php, etc.
  • Hide RSD (Really Simple Directory) header
  • Hide DNS Prefetch WordPress link
  • Hide WordPress Generator Meta
  • Add Firewall against SQL/Script injection
  • Hide wp-caption, wp-image, wp-blocks, wp-post classes and ids, and more
  • Hide Emojicons if you don’t use them
  • Change URLs in Ajax calls
  • Change URLs in all Caches files
  • Change paths in Sitemap.xml
  • Change paths in Robots.txt

Mapping Text and URLs:

  • Change URLs using URL Mapping
  • Change classes using Text Mapping
  • Change text in CSS and JS files
  • Change CDN URLs using CDN Mapping
  • Change paths in the cache files
  • Change paths in the Sitemap XML
  • Change paths in the Robots.txt

Disable Paths:

  • Disable XML-RPC access
  • Disable Rest API access
  • Disable Embed scripts
  • Disable DB-Debug in Frontend
  • Disable WLW Manifest scripts
  • Disable directory browsing

Brute Force Protection:

  • Brute Force Protection with Math Captcha
  • Brute Force Protection with Google reCaptcha
  • Custom attempts, timeout, message
  • Manage Blacklist and Whitelist IPs

Log Activity:

  • Log user activity
  • Set security alerts by email if users login from different IPs
  • Set security alerts by email on Brute Force attacks
  • Set security alerts by email if users delete articles
  • Set security alerts by email if users delete articles
  • Security Check with over 30 check points


  • Support for WP Multisite
  • Support for Nginx
  • Support for IIS
  • Support for LiteSpeed
  • Support for Apache
  • Support for WP Engine
  • Support for Inmotion Hosting
  • Support for Hostgator Hosting
  • Support for Godaddy Hosting
  • Support for Host1plus
  • Support for Payperhost
  • Support for Fastcomet
  • Support for Dreamhost
  • Support for Bitnami Apache
  • Support for Bitnami Nginx
  • Support for Google Cloud Hosting
  • Support for Litespeed Hosting
  • Support for Flyweels Hosting

  • Recommended by Wp Rocket

  • Recommended by WPML

Protection against:

  • Brute Force Attacks,
  • SQL Injection Attacks
  • Script Injection Attacks
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • and more

See All Premium Security Features:

Check the Demo Website:

Once you use the Hide My WP Ghost plugin you will get custom upload paths, author paths, plugin paths and so on.

You will also have the ability to remove unwanted classes, hide content, disable scripts and so on.

Hide My WP Ghost does an exceptional job at helping you get support for WP Multisite, for Bitnami Servers, Apache, LiteSpeed, Nginx, IIS, WP Rocket Plugin and many others.

It is worth it, so you may want to check it out.

Also, just because you want to add a WordPress Security plugin that hides the common paths, doesn’t mean the plugin has to be slow.

Hide my WP Ghost is very fast, and it won’t impact your website in any negative way.

On the contrary, it will hide the common paths, deliver all the WordPress Security features above and much more while also keeping the site faster at all times!

Important! This is not the Hide My WP Nulled version of the Hide My Wp Codecanyon plugin.

Ready To Protect Your Website From Hackers With The Most USER-FRIENDLY WordPress Security Plugin?


Manually install the Hide My WP Ghost Lite plugin:
Step 1. Log In as an Administrator on your WordPress site.
Step 2. In the menu displayed on the left, there is a ‘Plugins’ tab. Click it.
Step 3. Now click ‘Add New’.
Step 4. There, you have the ‘Upload’ button. Click the ‘Upload’ button
Step 5. Upload the hide-my-wp.zip file.
Step 6. After the upload it’s finished, click Activate Plugin.
Step 7. Connect the plugin using your email to get a free access token
Step 8. Follow the setup guide from: https://hidemywpghost.com/article/how-to-install-hide-my-wp-ghost-lite/

Install Hide My WP Ghost Lite directly from WordPress directory:
Step 1. Log In as an Administrator on your WordPress site.
Step 2. In the menu displayed on the left, there is a ‘Plugins’ tab. Click it.
Step 3. Search for ‘Hide My WP’.
Step 4. After the plugin is shown, click Activate Hide My WP Ghost
Step 5. Connect the plugin using your email to get a free access token
Step 6. Follow the setup guide from: https://hidemywpghost.com/article/how-to-install-hide-my-wp-ghost-lite/


Hide My WP Ghost Knowledge Base:


Does this plugin work on WP Multisite?

Yes, the plugin works on WP Multisite and you will configure it for the entire network.

The plugin also works with Apache, Nginx, IIS and LiteSpeed servers

Is Hide My WP Ghost working on Nginx Server?

Yes, the plugin works on Nginx Server and you will be guided for the redirects and nginx.conf settings.

The plugin also works with Apache, IIS and LiteSpeed servers

My website theme is not loading correctly after I change the paths. What should I do?

This issue is most likely from setting the rewrite rules.

  1. Make sure you purge the cache if you have cache plugins after you save the Hide My WP Ghost settings.
  2. In case the .htaccess (for apache) or nginx.conf (for Nginx) or web.config (for IIS) are not writable you need to add the rewrites manually.
  3. If you have Nginx server make sure you reload the Nginx after you save the settings.
  4. If the theme is still not loading okay, contact us and we can set up the plugin for you for free.

You can find useful information here: https://hidemywpghost.com/knowledge-base/

I forgot the custom login and admin URLs. What now?

Wp Engine Hosting Reviews

Don’t panic.

You can still access your site with the secure parameter

Locked out of my site! I set the plugin, and after I logged out I couldn’t get back in

Rename the plugin directory /wp-content/plugins/hide-my-wp so that the plugins won’t hide the wp-login.php path anymore

Login using http://domainname/wp-login.php and activate the plugin again.

Make sure you remember the secure parameter and it will be much easier.

Wp Engine Web Hosting

Does Hide My WP Ghost work for WordPress.com website?

Because of the Jetpack security in WordPress.com website, Hide My WP Ghost can’t change the admin and login paths.

If you already activated Hide My Wp on WordPress.com, remove the directory /wp-content/plugins/hide-my-wp to disable the plugin.

Will this plugin work if I don’t have custom permalinks on my site?

No. You need to have custom permalinks set to ‘on’ in Settings > Permalinks.

You will get a notification in the Settings page if something is not setup right.

What do I need to do before I deactivate the plugin?

It’s better to switch to Default Mode in Settings > Hide My WP.

If you don’t, the plugin will automatically change your site back to the safe URLs and it will tell you what to do if you don’t have write permission for the config files

Is this Plugin free of charge?

Yes. The Lite features of Hide My WP Ghost plugin will always be free.

We will include all the required WordPress Security updates.

To unlock all the features, please visit: https://hidemywpghost.com/hide-my-wp-pricing/

How to set the plugin on Nginx server?

Please follow this tutorial step by step to set up the Hide My WP Ghost for Nginx server:

Setup Hide My WP Ghost on Nginx Server
Configure Hide My Wp Ghost On Nginx Web Server With Virtual Private Server

How to Hide Your Site From WordPress Theme Detectors?

Changing the common WordPress paths will not guarantee that the WordPress CMS is completely hidden.

The old paths are still accessible and hackers are still able to inject SQL and Javascript into vulnerable installed plugins and themes.

Read more: How to Hide Your Site From WordPress Theme Detectors

Is this plugin enough to protect my website from all hackers?

The Free version of Hide My WP Ghost hides the wp-admin and wp-login as described but will not protect you from all hacker attacks.

Hide My WP Ghost hides all the common paths and patterns used but bots to detect that you are using WordPress.

We also recommend you to install Premium Themes and Plugins and not just any WordPress plugin because the free plugins are usually made by beginners and they don’t have security knowledge.


This plugin works well but slows down the site drastically.